The Worlds of Christopher Walker

journey beyond the map

“The world does not need more Christian literature. What it needs is more Christians writing good literature.”

C.S. Lewis

The Latest:


I’m Christopher Walker, a writer specializing in serialized fiction in the sci-fi and fantasy genres.

Why serialized fiction? I love the process of writing a long story in small chunks and putting it out there regularly in the tradition of Dickens and Dostoevsky because it creates stories that are character-driven, well-paced, and immersive. Characters are king! And bite sized bits of a story invite engagement and feedback.

Why sci-fi and fantasy? Because I’m a born nerd, reared and raised on the works of Tolkien, Herbert, and C.S. Lewis. I love the limitless nature of these stories because they tell us something about the endless potential of the human experience.

So what is this place I’m building?