
Born to be wild…

I’m Christopher Walker, a writer specializing in serialized fiction in the sci-fi and fantasy genres.

Why serialized fiction? I love the process of writing a long story in small chunks and putting it out there regularly in the tradition of Dickens and Dostoevsky because it creates stories that are character-driven, well-paced, and immersive. Characters are king! And bite sized bits of a story invite engagement and feedback.

Why sci-fi and fantasy? Because I’m a born nerd, reared and raised on the works of Tolkien, Herbert, and C.S. Lewis. I love the limitless nature of these stories because they tell us something about the endless potential of the human experience.

So what is this place I’m building? A place where lovers of Narnia and Middle-earth will feel very at home in. I’m trying to find the door into that other world and leave it cracked open for others to enter as well. It’s for people who know deep down that this isn’t the only world, that this is not our real home, not our forever home. For the Sons of Adam and the Daughters of Eve who know that there must be more, much more that we were created for, much greater adventures than we have imagined so far.

Oh yeah, it comes in pints!

It’s a drive to rise above this world’s confusion and discover that other country where our hearts will find their true home. Where adventure is the norm, and confronting fear is the order of the day. Where courage is tested and rewarded. Where we can see glimpses of what we really are and be joyful at the sight.

I’m looking for the door into Aslan’s country, that we can step through for a time and bring back the good tidings that there is hope and that despair will not do. We need these glimpses, these tales from the wondrous land more than ever as the world weighs down on us from every side. We need heroes and fell deeds to remind us that we can be brave and virtuous and that we were created to be so much more than we can imagine.

Glory to God for all things!

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